Meet Christine Adelwohrer


Christine Adelwohrer

Service Lead / Counsellor

Christine is very excited to begin the Counselling service and hopes to see it expand with more staff, clients, and resources. Working and learning in partnership with our stakeholders will be key to the expansion of our services, with a (fingers crossed) focus in rural and under resourced communities. Research in the field of grief and loss is gaining traction and as more staff come on board, She is hoping to develop internal learning opportunities where staff can share their specialisms.

After having worked in Australia for 15 years as a Senior Secondary Teacher Christine's family relocated to China where she was employed for two years at Utahloy International School, Guangzhou as Student Welfare Coordinator Year 7 – 12.

Another relocation took place, this time to Hong Kong were she was employed as Head of Student Services/ School Counsellor.

Once her children had departed Asia and completed their studies, the family relocated to Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India where Christine worked/ volunteered as School Counsellor/ Teacher at St Xaviers School.

While dedicated to the Vision of Lifeline Australia, Christine’s everyday connection to our Loddon Mallee office and team is what brings her huge professional satisfaction. Working in a collaborative and creative environment where we all work to deliver quality evidence-based programs that best fits our diverse community needs. In short, she really likes what she does!

The purpose of counselling is to help clients work through their grief and loss in a positive constructive way. Christine’s intention is to develop a quality ever evolving service that makes a difference in the lives of all rural and regional clients who choose to access it.

Christine holds a Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Education and a Master in Counselling.

StaffGillian Edlin